Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Bleak, tragic, but essentially comedy

...and no, I don't mean the General Election. I'm unable to muster any optimism about whatever government emerges from this vote with whatever "well, they can't be as bad as the other lot", mandate from the people. The only cheering prospect is that, whatever impression you might have got from endless media rehashing of how well or badly the party leaders dealt with the media, there is some public appetite for talking about policies, even principles, which might be the basis for some real politics once the election is over.
No, this black comedy is all of my own making. First, Reported Missing, the no-budget* short film I made last year, has been selected for the Tres Courts film festival, and I'm off to Paris with the producer to see it screened, and then back to the Cine Lumiere to catch it there as well.
Then I start work on Your Days Are Numbered, a show for the Edinburgh Fringe about the maths of death, which I'll be doing with stand-up mathematician Matt Parker. Anybody with amusing or informative statistics about death, please e-mail me here. If we use it, we'll buy you a drink in Edinburgh, or something.

*no-budget means we got no funding, the immensely talented cast and crew gave their time and resources for free, and it cost less than a grand of my own money.

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